March Newsletter
Ahhhh...spring! When the snow melts a bit faster than before!
We were lucky enough to see some amazing Irish Dancers from
Stilton School, learn a bit about Ireland and write our own leprechaun stories last week. This week we will focus on things that hatch from eggs...including dinosaurs!
Conference days left= Thurs. 24th 4:20-6p.m.
and Friday March 25 8:00am-10:00 a.m.
and Friday March 25 8:00am-10:00 a.m.
: Conferences will again have student work stations like before…two stations of
20 minutes each. The last
station will be the teacher station- and after 5 min. at this station the
student will be on headphones with a story -so parents and myself can have 20
min. of adult time
for questions and
recommendations. I have already contacted the parents of students who we
feel need
extra support with work habits, behavior or those who struggle with various
aspects of
either math, reading or writing skills…and March conference time
will be a time to review their
plan. This year report cards go home on March
the near future we will begin our studies of Mexico. First will be readings
about rainforest
animals in our reading groups- and next we will have
discussions about how rainforest animals adapt!
Folktales as well as a story in the Reading St. program about a boy of Mexican heritage
Folktales as well as a story in the Reading St. program about a boy of Mexican heritage
will round out our reading groups endeavors for the first
weeks in April. Hopefully we will be able
to have another travel day event
celebrating Mexico, much like we did for Russia, on a Wednesday
morning before April vacation...or right after...it all depends on how and when parent volunteers are
6:30pm Gorham Middle School Library
We NEED you! Anyone with some time available is most welcome!
morning before April vacation...or right after...it all depends on how and when parent volunteers are
6:30pm Gorham Middle School Library
We NEED you! Anyone with some time available is most welcome!
Lantern Festival as well as New Year Customs for China. The focus wild animals found there will be:
sun bear, panda, tigers, goats and since it is the Year of the Monkey we will touch on facts of various monkeys as well.) Although this will not be as “in depth” as our Russia study- we will still enter our information in our passports. The study of light and shadows will also be a big unit this
month- complete with a shadow puppet share of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff".
4= Deadline for our Great Falls silent
auction theme basket of "Exercise"
April 8= Wellness Family Fun Night (See
Ms. Fortier’s message included in this newsletter)
1st Grade Families,
Great Falls staff have been hard at work planning the next Great Falls family
event, the Great Falls Family Fun and Wellness Fair, which will be held
on Friday, April 8th from 6-7:30pm.
order to support future fun and exciting family opportunities, Great Falls is
holding a silent auction at the Wellness Fair. We need your help! Each grade
level will be putting together a healthy living themed basket that will be
auctioned off.
basket for grade 1 will be all about EXERCISE. We are looking for
donations that can be included in the basket. Options can be things such as:
water bottle, yoga mat, pedometer, stop watch, jump rope, resistance bands,
fitness class gift certificate, weights, swim goggles, itunes gift card,
sporting goods store gift card, stability ball, fitness studio gift
certificate, exercise journal, hiking guide, trail guide, bike safety lights,
ice skating pass, roller skating pass, ankle weights, golf balls and more! Be
would appreciate any and all donations! Please drop off basket items to the
Great Falls main office by Monday, April 4th.
you for your support,